e-Statement 4sight Technology

In today's competitive banking environment, making your customer's life easier through providing them with additional services is of vital importance.

4sight technology has developed a cost effective tool that is designed to provide banks with the fast and user friendly way of sending e-Statements to account holders.

e-Statement's wide range of features allows account holders to keep track of all important information concerning them and their accounts.

Some of the key features that make 4Sight e-statement a powerful and flexible email generation tools are:

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  • e-Statements are generated from text files extracted from your core banking system.4Sight will customize the e-statement as per your standards including your logo and header information. e-Statements can be generated by filtering Customer Categories, account Numbers and Current Balances.
  • All queries generated are saved for future references and audit.
  • Define categories for sending e-Statement as per your customer segment selection.
  • e-Statement can also be used to send your promotional materials along with bank account statements providing customers with updates, news, or special offers every month or any time during each month.
  • e-Statement carries a provision to filter promotion offers for those customers who have requested not to receive them. e-Statement can also filter any customer who does not wish to receive statements via email.
  • e-Statement enables you to add multiple e-mail address for your corporate customers.
  • You can create a cover email every month or send standard cover email templates with e-Statement.
  • Comprehensive reports are available on every activity performed in the e-Statement.
  • The tool also captures complete details of the account holders and the bank staff dealing with e-statement generation along with the history of the generated e-statements.
  • This is accomplished by segregating the application in two major modules.
  • The Admin module is designed to capture Administrative details of the Account holders and the Bank users who would use this application.
  • The screens in this module also store logs of all emails generated in the past.
  • The Query Generation module is designed to filter account holders based on various criteria and generate mass emails or take print outs in order to send statements by post. 4Sight e-Statement generation tool is a complete stand alone system that can be implemented onto your system without making any modifications to your core baking software.
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e-Statement Generation System is designed in Windows Based Application in Microsoft C # Dot Net Technology, with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database. The e-statement can be in the form of HTML & PDF. The PDF Statement can be protected with password. It works in client server technology.

e-Statement – Equipped with Open Data Connectivity – The statement data can be in any format and it is seamless integration with e-Statement Server. Presently it is integrated with Tandem & MSMQ.

e-Statement – Email body is configured as HTML format. It can be changed by the user.

e-Statement - Email sending through Default SMTP Virtual Server in Windows OS. The end user needs only one server with Windows 2000 OS above server for sending emails.

e-Statement – The MIS reports designed in Crystal Report


Contact Us

Tel: +971 6 573 5504
Fax: +971 6 573 5804
[email protected]

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